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Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill,Grinding machine,Mixerhomogenizer,Grinding Pump
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Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid MillGrinding machine,Mixer,homogenizer,Grinding Pump


Development of playing pump water glass
Release time:2015-04-29 Publisher:admin

Play pump water glass - high-speed shear colloid mill, silica play pump, titanium dioxide grinding pump, corrosion resistant grinding pump, pipeline mill (patented technology) high shear pump crushing area, by two pairs of three four levels (level grinding into coarse, medium and fine, the fine level of granularity) disc rotor and stator high shear, the fluid in some dough, sticky blocks, briquettes and other small particles quickly broken, inhalation shear pulverization area, in the new colloid mill (patented technology)
Play pump water glass - high-speed shear colloid mill, silica play pump, titanium dioxide grinding pump, corrosion resistant grinding pump, pipeline mill (patented technology) very narrow pump working chamber of the rotor and the stator blade resulting in a relatively high-speed cutting blade intense friction and grinding crushing and the like; and then in the role of mechanical motion and centrifugal force, the pulverized material refined fit into the refining zone grinding crushing, grinding distinguish three levels, the more outwardly a precision grinding higher, the smaller the pitch, the linear velocity of the longer, the more wear the finer material,

Play pump water glass - high-speed shear colloid mill, silica play pump, titanium dioxide grinding pumps, corrosion resistant pumps Titanium mill grinding fluid while gradually extending radially as a curve; a fluid every direction instantaneous speed changes, and by the high shear millions of times per minute, strong friction, extrusion grinding, crushing and other particles in the colloid mill after the new (patented technology), pipeline mill (patented technology) pump three high-speed shearing millions of times a refining zone of dispersion, mixing, grinding, after grinding, water glass hit pump - high speed shear colloid mill, silica play pump, titanium dioxide grinding pumps, abrasive wear and corrosion pumps, beater, emulsifying machine, mixer, grinder to produce liquid material molecular chain, grain crushing, grain tear fluid and other effects make the material fully disaggregation, dispersion, beating, grinding, pumping continuous operation of the desired effect .



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